Global Warming & the Flat Earth Society

Global Warming & the Flat Earth Society

Al Gore was in Seattle the day for a politcal rally. As he has elsewhere, he compared the skeptics of global warming to the conspiracy theorists who believe the U.S. actually faked the 1969 moon landing. He said "15 percent of the population believe the Moon landing was actually staged in a movie lot in Arizona" and there are still members in the Flat Earth Society who believe the earth is really flat. What is significant is the adminstrations claim there is much about the science that is still debated and much that is simply ot yet known as to the role humans play in global warming as well as the threat oGlobal_warming_1f global warming.  I represented the State of Washington in litigation against the tobacco industry during a two and half month jury trial before the case settled nationally. The device the tobacco industry used for years to cover up the evidence of nicotine addiction and tobacco as the cause of cancer was exactly the same technique.They continued to insist that there was scientific dispute about these issues by relying upon contaminated research which they funded through front organizations. Some things never change.   

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